Parking meters and Park & Ride

Our service for parking meters on private property creates order in your parking lot and ensures appropriate payment of parking fees. We monitor the parking lots, control the use of parking meters and compliance with markings, including handicapped parking. Our service minimizes the number of violations and you can count on a regulated parking situation.

In the next section, we will show you a concrete case study of our service for parking meters on private property:

Parking meters and Park & Ride


  • The ownership does not record the target revenue from the parking fees
  • Almost no one pays the parking fees because everyone knows that nothing happens if you don’t pay. Parking is wild in the parking lots, i.e. parking is also done without authorization in the handicapped parking spaces and outside the marked parking spaces.


  • Our staff checks the proper use of parking spaces, checking whether the parking meters are paid for
  • We can also control online paid parking fees (Twint, Parkingpay, Easypark, Digitalparking etc.) through our interfaces
  • We also check if parking is done within the marked parking spaces
  • The disabled parking spaces may only be used with an appropriate disabled parking card


The number of violations was minimized and order was restored to the parking lot.

If you want to pay for metered parking, you will find that you will not be able to avoid having the payment of the fees checked. We are looking forward to your contact purchase.

Parkuhr, Parkkarte & Auto Parkplätze kontrollieren I Parkotect

Contact us

Contact us to find a customized solution for your customer parking.

"It's only for a short time"
"It doesn't bother anyone"
"It still has enough free parking spaces"
"I have not hindered anyone"

Parkotect: Parkplatzkontrolle & Parkraumbewirtschaftung Schweiz